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Keys to Health

These are the keys to heath and fitness. While they are simple, they are very effective. Everyone seems to want to be fit these days but if you are not well and healthy then it is very hard to be fit. If you do these things: rest, eat well, hydrate yourself, and move your body you will have optimal health and a greater level of fitness will come. This works best if you are consistent. Yes, this is hard sometimes but it should be a constant effort... always. Read on for some tips on these keys to health.

Sleep is where we recover. Recover from life, workouts, kids, work, etc.. what ever stresses you - sleep is where you recover from that. This is why it is so important. Adequate sleep is 7-9 hours per night. Turn off lights in the house as the sun goes down and download amber filters for your phone, tablet, and computer screens to reduce the blue light from those electronic devices.

Balanced meals simply means to have some carbohydrate, protein, and fat at every meal and/or snack. The most optimal equation is C > P > F. This helps regulate blood sugar and allows the body function better, more efficiently. It is most beneficial for health improvement and performance in the gym.

Drinking water hydrates you. Everyone needs water to survive, life does not exist without water as 80% of the body is water. It is essential for digestion, nutrient absorption, chemical reactions inside the body, circulation, improving oxygen levels, removing toxins, and regulating our cooling system. The national standard is to have eight 8oz glasses per day. Do the best you can and always think water first when drinking.

Exercise Often, notice that it does not say kill yourself in the gym. Simply, exercise often. This means to get some activity or exercise on most days of the week. If all you can fit in to your schedule is 2 days then do that and be consistent at it, Add more when you can. The more you move the more your body will like it and crave it. As your energy levels increase you will feel like doing more. It isn't that you don't have time to move around, it is that you aren't using your time wisely - carry your own groceries, play with your kids outside, take the stairs, walk to the mail box, park farther away from the store, ask your co-workers to join you for a 10 min walk after lunch. Be creative - there are many ways to move your body without having to find extra time.

Work to do these things daily and your health and fitness will improve. Keep at it, work to be consistent, and think positive. Positive thinking is always best... AND believe in yourself.

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© 2017 Xcite Alabama Fitness, INC.

 It is our recommendation that you see your doctor before starting any new diet or exercise program.  Information on this site is approved for those over the age of 13.

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