One thing that bothers me A LOT..
Is when you want to lose weight or get in shape or you start a diet - you do well for a day or two - then something happens - you mess up one meal...
and fall completely off the wagon. Like jump off the cliff fall off. You just give up.
Let me say this.. Just because you have a party, a vacation trip, go out of town, attend a work function, can't stand your ground with your friends, or have a bad day…
IT ISN'T A REASON TO BLOW YOUR WHOLE DIET for the rest of the week.
It isn't necessarily a bad thing that you mess up your diet but what is a bad thing is that you wait until next Monday to start back on your program.
I know you feel bad about messing up and I know that you may also feel like a failure, like you can't do it, or it's too hard.
I also know that you may want to eat your feelings for the rest of the week and use the weekend to get your mindset ready to start again on Monday.
What you are missing though - is that over the 7 days of the week, you are dieting for 1-2 of them.
That leaves 5 other days that you are wasting your time with your diet.
If you do this over and over again how are you ever going to lose the weight and get to your goal?
Rather than wasting your time and 5 days every week - just be consistent. And if you mess up, so what!
Get yourself right back on track - at your very next meal and especially the next day. Instead of starting over week to week, just keep going.
It is okay if you mess up - learn from your mistakes and do not get off the path.
If you want to lose weight you will never get there if you are on again off again. It's like a bad relationship.
I know that you want to lose weight, to feel better in your clothes, to have more energy, to like what you see in the mirror, to like yourself, and to feel attractive.
But I'm telling you right now, you can want all of that - if you aren't taking action to stay on the path every single day it won't happen.
You will be stuck right where you are this time next year or in 10 years still trying to lose the same number of pounds or more.
So cut yourself some slack and do the next right thing every day to stay on the path.
You may not always feel successful every day, but taking the right actions over time and being consistent will get you a lot closer to your goal then what you are currently doing.